Article published 8 October 2024
Second Annual meeting and Thematic Workshop for the METEOR cluster
The METEOR cluster met at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, Netherlands October 1st to 2nd for the second annual cluster meeting & thematic workshop.
The two-day annual meeting consisted of presentations by all the cluster projects, BEST-COST, Marches, Mistral, UBDPolicy and Valesor, where they had the opportunity to present the development of their work.
After lunch on October 2nd, Nataša Dragić, University if Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine & Institute of public health of Vojvodina Novi Sad and Francesco Forastiere, Imperial Collage London from the Valesor project both took part in the workshop regarding Exposure-Response Functions (ERF) with 4 other international speakers. Nataša held a presentation regarding background and introduction and Francesco presented EMAPEC work on morbidity.