Valuation of environmental stressors
What's the cost of chemical emissions and air pollution?
Recognizing the costs of chemicals and air pollution in policy making
EU project VALESOR aims to make major contributions to the efforts in science and policy to accomodate the economic values of environmental stressors in policy making.
What’s the (health) cost of pollution?
Dementia, kidney disease, hypertension, asthma, chronic bronchitis, fertility loss and cancers. The list of known health impacts from air pollution and exposure to chemical substances is long and getting longer.
About the project
Building on decades of experience in creating and using world-leading economic valuation models to support environmental policy making, VALESOR will make the economic valuation of environmental stressors standardisable, transparent, and utilisable.
Follow the project
Outreach and communication is central to the VALESOR project. We will regularly organise seminars and workshops with our stakeholders. Sign up to follow the project and receive invitations!
Latest news
EAERE 2024 - A conference filled with exciting research
For four days the city of Leuven, Belgium was filled with researchers from around the globe. They were all there to discuss different important environmental questions and research.
19 June 2024 3 October 2023 What’s the (health) cost of pollution?
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